nationals -10- day five – red
dammit, not a complete meltdown, but close, a 47 of 75. the red course wasn’t as hard or at least didn’t feel as hard. i missed so many i shouldn’t have. i just couldn’t run a station of get in my groove. a 3 of 8 and a 3 of 6 at 3 stations killed all hopes, then my confidence was gone, i knew i had blown it and couldn’t recover or stop thinking. i was surrounded by good shooters in front and back of me. i needed another day of high 50’s to place. it never happen, the course went by fast, before i knew it, only a station or two left, then i finished with a 4 of 6 on my last station of the entire weekend, at least i hit the last 2 targets, a true pair off yet another scissor lift. dammit.
target count = 75 MAIN = 1210 total.
me & my main event’s over.
earlier, when i walked up to my starting stand on red today, the last day, i saw 3 PA guys there who i hadn’t really seen all weekend. i panicked and thought i had made a mistake on my schedule. it was 3 guys i see at every single shoot i ever go to here in the northeast. they knew me from seeing me around, but we never actually met, even though i just shot behind one of them all day in NJ only 7 days before. well it turns out they had been sitting in WHATABURGER at around 2pm, when one turned to the other, ‘when do we shoot, 3 or 330?’ so the another one looks at their schedule, turns out they were to shoot at 1pm, they missed the start of their last day of the tourny. they then drove 100mph to the complex, got put on the squad behind me, their only penalty being MORON #1, MORON #2 and MORON #3 written on the top of their score cards…. it must help when the officials know you by name.
(from winning so much)
KIM SPOHN one of the ‘MORONS’ had a 72 of 75 on the red course.
R WAYNE DAVIS one of the ‘MORONS’ had a 97 of 100 in the 28 gauge.
STEPHEN EDMONDSON one of the ‘MORONS’ had a 98 of 100 in the 28 gauge.
if shooting like that is a being a moron, where do i sign up?