February 29th, 2008
February 28th, 2008
william f buckley – contour.
February 27th, 2008
william f buckley.
.i photographed william at his home in CT on april 1, 2004 for a “10 questions with _______” article for TIME magazine.
.william died today working at his desk, he was 82.
February 26th, 2008
February 26th, 2008
5 days.
.592 miles driven in 4 days, with one good samaritan stop for the guy that fell asleep on 441 heading towards me at 6am. i thought i had seen lights make a turn in the dark to the left, but when i got there, there was no road, he had driven off into the brush and a into tree….
.good samaritan stops in the last year from clay shoots: 2.
.245 pictures, 131 of which made on the phone and out of boredom in the cab home out the window trying to avoid the sickness of returning to NYC, the frustration of the cab ride itself and wishing i was already heading somewhere else again instead of back into the city.
February 26th, 2008
TENOROC, Lakeland, FL – 2/21/08.
February 26th, 2008
Quail Creek Plantation – Okeechobee, FL
2/22/08 – 2/24/08
Friday Prelim 9AM. – BLUE course.

Phil Hughes Prelim 1PM. – RED course.

Seminole Cup MAIN Event – Day One – RED.

late saturday night after racing go karts all evening, i had to know how i did, i looked at the results online on my phone sitting there at a chili’s with my aunt and uncle, somehow or another, the 64 was good for 5th after day one. a second day would put me up towards the top or drop me way down, i could still go either way, at least in my class, there was still hope, i just needed to step outside myself and step up already.
Seminole Cup MAIN Event – Day Two – BLUE.

(fyi, i got to shoot behind diane both days, fyi, diane is ladies champion of just about everything she enters, fyi, diane is in the sporting clay hall of fame).
they all kept doing better after a stand or two, i unraveled again, dropping all kinds of targets i could run forever another day, the course felt easier, i felt better, but the damn targets just didn’t break when i pulled that trigger, my chances were slipping away, one target at a time, of even trying to stay in the top of C class. i rallied for a bit and found targets that scared me with their distance, edge and speed, to the point after smashing one pair, a wow escaped my lips, i laughed a little at the amazement of watching them break, and then got serious again as i readied for the next pair and said pull, knowing i could hit it. yet i only ended with a 60/100…. i had a 124/200 for the MAIN, abysmal.
i cleaned up and went over to the score boards, the new results weren’t up yet, but the earlier scores of the day were, there was a 3 way tie of 124/200 for 3-6th place with 80% of the scores in my C class. holy crap, there was a chance i could hold on for a trophy and some $, the cup pays/punches and trophies out to 5th. so i was tied, it would come down to tie break stations and luck. great, my luck with these is never where i’d like it.
i stood around and tried not to look so desperate to hold on or wait around for a 4th or 5th place trophy, but dammit, i want a trophy from a national event already, it was the whole point of this trip, this quest i decided was so important so last minute and funded thanks to a combination sponsorship by my amex, discover and mastercard.
then they posted them, almost 2h after the event ended. we all gathered around and gawked, then i saw it. i had won the tie breaks, my 124/200 beat the other 2 124/200 scores based on how well i shot predetermined stations, but others sneaked up and in with simply better shooting. 5th place had a 125, 4th place had a 126 and 3rd place had a 128.
i missed a trophy by one target out of 200.
AGAIN, unfuckingbelievableareyoukiddingme.
this is the third national event in three this has happened. one position, no, one target even, out of the money, the punches for class and my goddam trophy.
walk to car, start driving, turn up music.
(learn to shoot already).
February 20th, 2008
February 20th, 2008
February 20th, 2008
hollywood daily #3.
.i had been trying to make a time lapse of all my jobs this year, so much that, this shoot was total chaos, not of my creating, but if i hadn’t told you that, i don’t think you could tell from the images exactly the new found level of hurry and do this, no wait, hurry and do this, no wait, sorry, do this, NOW…… just when i thought i had achieved the fastest shoot possible, something else happens to raise the bar.
February 20th, 2008
February 17th, 2008
northern california, 1995.
.i agreed, i hadn’t been up north and needed something to do, calling 50 photographers everyday and begging to help them was talking its toll, so yeah, sure, let’s go. i stole a roll of film or two from the guy i printed for and off we went.
.not much really happened, i was young and not so bright i suppose, but it never occurred to me until years later when i finally tried to print an image or two and she had vanished as people do, that she most likely made the whole thing up as the next morning she wasn’t gone long at the supposed meeting and we really were in the middle of nowhere. it may have been an effort to connect in some way, with me, and i had obviously been too naive or polite to oblige her, but i don’t think i’ll ever really know.
February 16th, 2008
February 15th, 2008
February 14th, 2008
February 11th, 2008
i lied to nathan, 2 / 10 / 08.
.i told nathan i wouldn’t shoot till he was ready to go. his readiness is not in his control or mine. that was in november. i tried nathan, i did. then there was drama, delays. i thought i could hold off, i thought i was over it, part of me still feels i am. i thought the $ of it would be easy to let go, that the other $ spent in smarter places would take its place, that i could walk away. this morning i was bored. stir crazy. i wanted out. i paced and paced and waffled and waffled, then i reserved a car. i wanted to see if i had forgotten. see if i could maybe be ready for a comp again, in FL, in a couple weeks, without shooting for 3 months, my longest break since starting. the inspiration for pictures wasn’t here, around, i just don’t feel anything that makes me want to make any right now, the ho hum of life is in the way today. every february for three years this comp in FL calls me, and every year, i don’t go, scared i cannot shoot it well, afford it, always an excuse, each year the same. so this was a test, did i forget, lose that edge of the quest i had this fall, have no money for this, yes, yes, yes. yet i want to go, and now i had a day of practice, in one white squall after another, a ten degree drop in temperature from fucking cold to fucking colder from the time i started to the time i finished, the wind, the snow, the mush under my feet. how could FL be harder then this?
February 11th, 2008
perfect job, the good life.
.great, awesome, thank you, perfect job.
.not for all the obvious reasons like client, budget, cool PE, subject, but for more, that would only present themselves later. traveling the day of a shoot with the morons at the TSA that are basically allowed to do whatever they want with your gear with impunity is stressful, as is relying on the airline industry to have basic respect for you, yet it all worked out without incident. there was even a friend of a friend randomly on my little flight from NYC to nashville, weird, but the good kind. the only drama at all was a broken light and that was 100% my fault, i even broke it while telling my assistant to be careful, as doing this can easily beak it, classic. plenty of time to set up, nice people, a good location and a cool subject that actually likes having his picture taken, wow, it was how all jobs should be. perfect.
.the stories, that’s was made this above and beyond just a great day, it’s a long one, i will try to keep it simple.
.months before, at the national sporting clay championships, i shot with a guy from TN that claimed “to know all you NYC city photographers, i was even in vogue.” so i pressed him on it and sure enough, he did. he said “all the NYC city crews like to come to TN and ride 4 wheelers and shoot guns.” guilty, i do. i pressed him more and he runs a ranch for tim mcgraw and faith hill, so he was used to crews coming out and making shots. his name is bobby brooks.
.so here i am a couple months later, in his hood in TN, photographing kix brooks. so one of the first things i asked was if kix knew bobby. turns out bobby used to work for kix too. damn this world is small, this makes for good stories. kix asked if i shoot clays, to which i said i do, kix smiled and said i shot some yesterday. then we got back to making photographs.
.later as i was getting gear packed away, kix came over and asked if i was around at all the next day and if i’d like to go shoot clays with him, even borrow one of his shotguns.
.now that would of been a story, but i had a 6am flight, and with the rental gear budget, flight changes 4 days before xmas in bad weather, the budget in general, and the logistics of it all, i didnt see a way to make staying work. i am an ass of course, now it’s all easy to see.
.i could of shot clays with kix brooks, wow…..
.the perfect job, thanks to everyone, truly.
February 11th, 2008
February 11th, 2008
sondra, II .
i like more that when i told her i needed to take some polaroids of her, as i do almost all the visitors to #1RN, she was up for it. so much so that we went outside without our coats and searched and searched. it didn’t matter that we were cold, or that i had already made some of her years before, she knew i wanted to make more, and she took on the mission as much as i did, to make it happen.
i always shoot 10, quickly, guessing the composition as i cannot see through the camera with my glasses on the way i want to, so point, shoot, repeat as fast as i can, try to save the last of the ten for me in there with her. make sure the flash is so close the heat it gives off with each pop can be felt and all the purple dots it leaves behind in the eyeballs will last a minute or two.
then hide them, wait a few hours, then when no one else is around, finally take a peek.
February 8th, 2008
me, crying.
February 5th, 2008
monday, 2/4/08, surprise drop in #1.
February 5th, 2008
monday, 2/4/08, surprise drop in #2.
.romain couldn’t stop coughing.
February 5th, 2008
monday, 2/4/08, surprise drop in #3.
.sondra was not pretending to orgasm or coughing, she just looks like this when we talk about photography.