16th Annual Delaware River Classic.

my 3rd time shooting the same event, first one i have done 3 times since i started 3 years ago. i went to get a trophy from the spring, but figured i should just shoot the competition as well. not ready, haven’t been shooting enough, but since the car was free and shells were long ago bought, sure, let’s do it.
did the MAIN and the FITASC. surprise, i got 4th in FITASC, just like last year and just like in almost all my major tournaments, i am in the first position that gets no money/trophy. if it goes to 5, i get 6, if it goes to 3, i get 4. clockwork, this has happen in over 10 events, including being 11th when it went to 10th in the K-Cup at Nationals.
6th of 24 in the MAIN, B class. i am a class higher now, so fine, didn’t expect much. i wanted to get an 80 or higher. i got my 80. second highest one day tournament score ever. i’d have to call this a good day, no $, no trophy, but a good day.