Pride in #’s | part II

This week I also got my SALES AND ROYALTY STATEMENT from a fancy place that not only represents me in some aspect, but also as of this week, now represents photographic legend Annie L in some aspect. One would think this would be a moment of pride in more then a couple #’s too…
Asset Description:
Young woman with redhead, close-up, portra
Rights: Industry
Computer/I.T. Services
Rights: Usage
Display-outdoor, transit and POS
Rights: Use Territory/Duration
NRU Nov 01, 2008 to Oct 31, 2009
Sales Territory:
License Fee (in USD):
Royalty Rate:
Gross Royalty (in USD):
Minimum Payment Not Met. Amount carried forward (in USD):
Now I am not sure, but I am willing to bet that it cost more to generate this statement in regards to me being notified that at some point in the future I may receive a $1.41 of a $4.70 sale that gave someone somewhere the right to use my image for one year in some kind of an outdoor ad.
This gives me pride.