80 Years & 3 Days

© jonathan saunders
This was not just a photo competition or even a photography only category, it was open to all blogs of a cultural or personal nature. I am truly humbled to have my images and stories included in such a wide open category among so many diverse websites, it really is an amazing thing to realize.
I called my father, emailed a few friends and 2h later, haven’t stopped smiling.
I’d like to thank the Academy (yes, it’s an academy) and everyone along the way that let me photograph them or otherwise let me share my part of their life……
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The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet. Established in 1996 during the Web’s infancy, the Webbys are presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a 550-member body of leading Web experts, business figures, luminaries, visionaries and creative celebrities.
The Academy is an intellectually diverse organization that includes members such as musicians Beck and David Bowie, Internet inventor Vint Cerf, political columnist Arianna Huffington, Real Networks CEO Rob Glaser, “The Simpsons” creator Matt Groening, R/GA Founder and Chairman Robert Greenberg, Virgin Atlantic Chairman and Founder Richard Branson, and The Weinstein Company Co-Founder Harvey Weinstein. Members also include writers and editors from publications such as The New York Times, Wired, Details, Fast Company, Elle, The Los Angeles Times, Vibe, and WallPaper.
The 12th Annual Webby Awards received nearly 10,000 entries from over 60 countries and all 50 states and generated over 750 million media impressions worldwide.
You Say Alligator, I Hear Al-Qaeda
Audio by John
Images by Jonathan
I never had a single class with Denis, not even one. I did however go to his critiques – often instead of even showing up to my own classes. I got to know Denis more as a friend as Denis, Dan and I were usually the only ones still printing at 1AM, 2AM or Sunday when everyone else was off wasting time doing whatever, we were locked in F Series around the color print processor, printing and talking pictures… Find people like you or like you wish you were and make prints around each other stopping sometimes to tell each other stories. Better yet, introduce yourself to Denis.
She had called me up a day or two before and asked if I would be interested in taking her portrait to which I replied, “Yes, I would be very interested, but only if you are doing this for you and for me and not because of any odd ill intentioned reasoning or to hurt my friend ______.” While I had not met her before or spoken to her before, she and a friend of mine were once in love with each other and now were no longer. This much I did know. He had talked about me and introduced her to my stories, which she now follows even though they haven’t been together for some time now. She assured me it was for her and for me, so obviously I was fascinated to photograph her once this was now out of the way. It seems while she knew the following, I did not… The first time I met our mutual friend, was also April 2nd, the same day I first took his portrait here in #1RN one year ago to the day.
I cannot make this stuff up, this is why I like to tell stories. One of many reasons anyway… as it turns out my connections to my new friend Cadence did not stop here.
About 48h after leaving #1RN, I get another interesting story from Cadence in an email. It turns out she was once photographed by my friend Joshua 13 years ago long before Joshua was even known to me and long since they had forgotten about each other. Only did meeting me and seeing that Joshua was now my friend did this memory spark for her. At some point in 1996, Joshua photographed Cadence in an elevator here in NYC. Although their meeting was brief, Joshua had it in his heart to mail her a print. As is his way still today, he spent hours composing the text on the mailing labels and the text on the included letter on his typewriter… even going on to apologize for the lack of color correction in the print.
This is why I tell stories, this is why I love my friends.
History Channel & a beach in Tahiti – my Madoff image.
Mike was more dapper, gentlemanly, enjoyable and well put together then most men who wear suits on television playing the type of man Mike actually is… I want to be like Mike and so should you.
I awoke, turned on my computer, read one email I now wish had never come and decided it was time to leave, if only briefly, and focus on something joyfully absurd. I had originally planned to shoot at the NJ State Championships this weekend but after realizing non-residents weren’t going to receive trophies, the economy and other random excuses, I had pulled out of this plan. Well, I figured this would be the perfect place to go on a rainy Saturday after all, spend money I shouldn’t and shoot the preliminary events. They were cheaper, faster and due to a poor camera placement, gave me the chance to show off my butt, which you can see about half way through the video below, just click on the speedometer.
100 Target Prelim – 1st Place – 82/100
50 Target Prelim – 1st Place – 42/50
5 Stand 50 Target – 3rd Place – 32/50
All results B Class, now 3/4 of the way to A Class.