Behind the Glass | Part II

I awoke, turned on my computer, read one email I now wish had never come and decided it was time to leave, if only briefly, and focus on something joyfully absurd. I had originally planned to shoot at the NJ State Championships this weekend but after realizing non-residents weren’t going to receive trophies, the economy and other random excuses, I had pulled out of this plan. Well, I figured this would be the perfect place to go on a rainy Saturday after all, spend money I shouldn’t and shoot the preliminary events. They were cheaper, faster and due to a poor camera placement, gave me the chance to show off my butt, which you can see about half way through the video below, just click on the speedometer.

100 Target Prelim – 1st Place – 82/100
50 Target Prelim – 1st Place – 42/50
5 Stand 50 Target – 3rd Place – 32/50
All results B Class, now 3/4 of the way to A Class.