#1RN | Denis D

Denis D | #1RN – Without You #72 | 4/3/09

Knowing Denis will make you a better photographer. Denis is a professor where I went to school and simply showing up to a class at this school or any other school will not teach you anything, I know this as I have seen it happen. I say Denis will make you better because he will put in what you do, then more and then push back appropriately.
I never had a single class with Denis, not even one. I did however go to his critiques – often instead of even showing up to my own classes. I got to know Denis more as a friend as Denis, Dan and I were usually the only ones still printing at 1AM, 2AM or Sunday when everyone else was off wasting time doing whatever, we were locked in F Series around the color print processor, printing and talking pictures… Find people like you or like you wish you were and make prints around each other stopping sometimes to tell each other stories. Better yet, introduce yourself to Denis.