As Requested by Sidney

A year ago, almost to the day, I was in a relationship and brought her to see my family on a short trip to TX. She met my niece Sidney and then simply due to distance, she never met my niece again.
In one of my first moments in TX with my niece recently she asked why my girl wasn’t with me. I didn’t know how to explain we weren’t together anymore to a 5 year old, so I did my best and a day or two went by without it coming up again.
Then, in the middle of making the image above and out of the blue, Sidney said, “You should send that picture of me to ______.” I said okay. A few minutes later, also without any more discussion on the matter, Sidney also told me I should send a picture of a flower to ______, I said okay and took a picture of the very next flower I saw.
When I got back to NYC, I did as Sidney requested.

Today, May 7th, is Sidney’s birthday… Happy Birthday Sidney.