Touch Me For Victory

I was asked to do something that would not be returned to me in kind. The actions of the asker did not match their words or desires they had given me explicitly. I however was predictable and for this I was left wanting only what we had started.
So I screamed and I laughed.
I did this with the loudest megaphones I could achieve on television for the masses and the millions in a hope of a reversal of this bad fortune now at hand. I kept metaphors and riddles in place to hide all these nonsecrets because I only want what had started to someday begin again.
– – –
I didn’t want to win, I didn’t want to lose. I just wanted to be there. Victory and defeat never occurred to me to be applicable or possible. I gave two high five this day as you can see above and below. One of these touches went on to win the show with over $70,000 after touching my hand.
I touched your hand once too, you also won.

Jonathan Touches Peter | The Price Is Right | September 22, 2009