City Of The Violet Crown | Part 2 of 2

“The passion to conquer space is the very essence of travel… I was a wanderer there… The warmth, content and beauty of these lands have the essence of a woman… The passion to possess whom I can’t understand… To set free the princess, the dragon must be slain, not crucially to be confused with conquering the princess and thereby setting the dragon free… I will forgive her every whim, all the more readily since she is so lovely… The task is to find the keys to the riddles so that these feelings are reciprocated… For me these keys are images, I collected them one by one, this was all I could do for her, to present her with her own reflections…”
– transcribed from a voice over by Irakly Avaliani, in a work by Gueorgui Pinkhassov
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(An Undeliverable Gift)
This was to be a gift sent in the mail but I have no address to mail it to and due to circumstances outside of my control, a personal delivery was no longer an option either. I therefore had no practical means of delivery yet I refuse to accept that what I have created would be unavailable to its intended recipient for such reasons.
I have therefore chosen to make this gift otherwise available.
(please press play to watch the above 4 min video)
The intended recipient was given this information 10 days prior to today with explicit directions, a detailed map and GPS coordinates.
I placed this gift a respectful distance from all other monuments and without digging a hole or otherwise treading heavily in this Texas soil. Someday I will return to Texas again and this place, I will then claim this gift myself if it still be there. I do not intend to leave it here forever as the park has rules against littering.
At this moment, I do not know when this may be.