It Can No Longer Take Flight

I stopped getting 4×6 prints made sometime around 2005. These must be from before then. I have thousands of 4×6 prints scattered around my apartment and some are in boxes and some are in stacks and some are still barely looked at and hidden away in files. I stopped and went through a stack the other day, I miss these touchable stacks. They are shuffled, unmarked and the negatives unscanned. I cannot imagine having to find these negatives in the hundreds and hundreds of envelopes squirreled away in here.
The day I went through this one stack, I pulled out these three. A tree shadow on a cold day in Queens, NY. A friend in New Paltz, NY. A dead bird in a place on a street I cannot recall tonight as I write this. All I know about this bird tonight is that it can no longer take flight.