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December 31st, 2010

A Female Deer Party

The Buck Rarely Is Seen As The Love Of The Doe May Die If So
So She Hides Him

I stepped outside to empty the garbage. Walking the can to the curb I heard them, that unique sound of those fancy feet dancing on asphalt. I sighed before I even looked for them. I hadn’t seen them in some while and this night, this Wednesday night between two holidays, I didn’t want to. I stepped closer then I usually do, I wanted them to fear me and made what I had to with what I had on me. They let me.

I went inside and tried to forget that I just saw them. Hours later, I left to run an errand and once again, there they were when I didn’t want them, not this day. So I made more. Much later, returning to this place I stay, I saw them all together, waiting for me on my lawn. This had never happen before, not like this. I was not having a party tonight and I did not invite them.

They loved me enough to show up anyway. So I tell myself.

They hunt me, I don’t even go looking anymore.