Portfolio & Information & More

January 21st, 2010

One Man, Standing Alone

January 21st, 2010

“Shit Show”

January 19, 2009 | 7:43:52 PM & 8:05:49 PM

She walked up to edge of the platform and peered down the tunnel. There was no train. She paced back and forth in front of me all the while her shoes making that sound only shoes like these could. Three trains went by, they were not ours. We both boarded the next one, as that is just what you do in moments like these. I stepped into the train, waited for the doors to close and leaned back on them, just like you’re not suppose to. So did she. The train jerked and the doors opened again almost dumping us both back out onto the platform. We looked at one anther and shook our heads in disappointment with our ride.

An older then me gentlemanly man started talking with her, I think she struck it up actually, points to the New Yorker he was reading. Who says magazines are dead? He departed a few stops later and she pulled out a book, I kept fidgeting with my camera. The train stopped short and fast at the next station bumping us into each other and again we exchanged our quiet disappointment.

As she went back to reading, before I consciously even knew it was aloud, I said, “Who made those shoes?” We chatted and I asked her if I could take a photograph of one of them, she smiled, was agreeable and stuck her foot out. So I did, I took a photograph. I also told her I wanted to take one on the platform while they were on that great yellow stripe, but that I was too shy to ask.

(I lied, well, sort of).

She introduced herself to me and I to her as we kept talking all the way to her stop. Her name was complex and pretty and I told her I would never remember it, but that I would remember it had 7 letters and that one was silent. It would turn out her stop was my stop.

She disappeared into the night but not until after informing me the subway this evening had been a real:
“shit show.”

January 20th, 2010

I Am Right In Front Of You

I Am Right In Front Of You And It’s Like You Cannot Even See Me

The Land Of My Blood

January 11, 2010 | 4:25:34PM – 4:23:27PM – 4:21:34PM – 4:19:17PM

January 19th, 2010

“I Love Sexy Boy”

touch the image for higher resolution

I Need More Love I Don’t Ask For
December 24, 2009 | 5 Years Old

– – –

touch the image for a 15s video

December 25, 2006 | 2 Years Old
(still image January 16, 2010)

January 17th, 2010


Blind In The Woods Near Comfort On The Land Of My Blood

January 17, 2010 – 5:10:04 PM | 4h, 2m, 15s Ago

January 17th, 2010

Ranch 74

Campbellton, Texas

January 15th, 2010

Fly A Flag

BWI | 12/21/09 – 4:51:29PM | During my unplanned 9h wait to arrive in Texas

When I was last in New York City, I had the tailor on my corner sew this flag onto my sleeve. This tailor neglected to remove the paper backing from the patch, so when I move my arm or touch it, one can hear it crunch. I never wear clothes with logos or emblems, so when I do, rest assured, I believe in it. From the moment I started flying this flag, I have been treated differently by those that view it. I have been welcome when I would of otherwise not, I have been noticed when I would of otherwise not, I have received stranger love when I would of otherwise not, this is all true and true because those that viewed it on me know its more then just a patch. If you don’t understand this, you need to get your ass to Texas.

* for best video results – press play, full screen mode, scaling OFF, volume loud

Before A Meeting In Texas | 1/12/2010 – 20 photographs | 1 hour, 1 minute, 43 seconds

My meeting with the magazine lasted an hour too and when it was over and I got on the highway again and this time, it was back to the east. It turns out I was not the first of my blood to plant seeds where I had so recently gardened.

January 11th, 2010

Quest Of Victory

Texas | January 9, 2010
– – –
My Brother | My Brother’s Daughter | I

January 10th, 2010

The Last Time I Was In Texas | XII

January 10th, 2010

The Last Time I Was In Texas | XIII

January 10th, 2010

The Last Time I Was In Texas | XIV

January 9th, 2010

I Cannot Fly

January 8th, 2010

Thus The Us That Now Is

The Tree At Monument Hill

(please press play to watch a two minute video)
* for best results – press play, full screen mode, scaling OFF, volume loud

January 6th, 2010

City Of The Violet Crown | Part 2 of 2

“The passion to conquer space is the very essence of travel… I was a wanderer there… The warmth, content and beauty of these lands have the essence of a woman… The passion to possess whom I can’t understand… To set free the princess, the dragon must be slain, not crucially to be confused with conquering the princess and thereby setting the dragon free… I will forgive her every whim, all the more readily since she is so lovely… The task is to find the keys to the riddles so that these feelings are reciprocated… For me these keys are images, I collected them one by one, this was all I could do for her, to present her with her own reflections…”

– transcribed from a voice over by Irakly Avaliani, in a work by Gueorgui Pinkhassov

– – –

(An Undeliverable Gift)

This was to be a gift sent in the mail but I have no address to mail it to and due to circumstances outside of my control, a personal delivery was no longer an option either. I therefore had no practical means of delivery yet I refuse to accept that what I have created would be unavailable to its intended recipient for such reasons.

I have therefore chosen to make this gift otherwise available.

(please press play to watch the above 4 min video)

The intended recipient was given this information 10 days prior to today with explicit directions, a detailed map and GPS coordinates.

I placed this gift a respectful distance from all other monuments and without digging a hole or otherwise treading heavily in this Texas soil. Someday I will return to Texas again and this place, I will then claim this gift myself if it still be there. I do not intend to leave it here forever as the park has rules against littering.

At this moment, I do not know when this may be.

January 4th, 2010

City Of The Violet Crown | Part 1 of 2

“The passion to conquer space is the very essence of travel… I was a wanderer there… The warmth, content and beauty of these lands have the essence of a woman… The passion to possess whom I can’t understand… To set free the princess, the dragon must be slain, not crucially to be confused with conquering the princess and thereby setting the dragon free… I will forgive her every whim, all the more readily since she is so lovely… The task is to find the keys to the riddles so that these feelings are reciprocated… For me these keys are images, I collected them one by one, this was all I could do for her, to present her with her own reflections…”

– transcribed from a voice over by Irakly Avaliani, in a work by Gueorgui Pinkhassov

– – –

(A Photo Book Monument)

One image per page, in chronological order of their creation, for 99 pages.

It has one flaw, a flaw that is mine and given the short history of events since this books existence, I now consider this flaw an ideal one. If someone ends up owning this copy, I will explain it to them when they ask and when they prove to me they indeed have it.

As of this moment, this is the only copy of this book there will be but I make no such promise to keep it buried forever or not created anew.

As of this moment, only one person besides myself has seen this book. This person was my mother and it was shared with her on a day that was her 66th birthday. I placed it in a hot yellow beam of Texas sunlight and made these final images of this object. The printing does not show as well as it truly is in these photographs below…

This object is beautiful.

January 1st, 2010

Three, Merry In Two

The Girl Whose Name Means Tree By The Water | Texas, 2009
– – –
Three, Only Merry In Sets Of Two, In The Last Moments Of The Year

I received two stories of “Merry Fucking Christmas” from two people that don’t know one another. One directly and one indirectly, both I think about the same thing but I will never know the true intent of one of these. Both however were sent from a place of lonely or simply being alone.

I made something tangible and quite special to give away and then did, albeit in ways and in reasons I never intended, but just as special if not more so. Around this same time, I received a gift I never expected, not tangible and very fleeting, but quite real in its false moments.

Before I left New York on my current journey, I was able to go to a special place and allowed to leave with two of what this place makes special without leaving any of my cash or my heart behind for these rewards.

December 31st, 2009

Burning, Burning, Burning

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 23, 2009

– – –

Two days earlier, I had driven to see the burn and not the fire and been turned away at every attempt. This day, I happen upon an area far from the other that looked like it should burn and burn soon, so I stopped and pretended it was already on fire or it was already burned.

I walked the winding path upward and stopped where it wound back upon itself. I photographed from this spot for 52 minutes never venturing more then a few feet this way or that.

I made one photograph towards the crest then turned and made a photograph towards the view. Within seconds I turned back toward the crest… There, not 10 feet away now sat a large, red and awfully silent fire truck. It had stopped short from running me over while my back was turned.

I looked at the driver and nodded out of shock to see him there so clearly through that giant glass windshield. He smiled and nodded back as I was now stepping out of the way to let it pass by. As it did, through the rear windows I saw many fireman’s faces, all laughing as they stared back at me through the glass.

December 29th, 2009

I Know Why

I Know Why These Wings Won’t Fly Goodbye

3:59:51 PM | Monday, December 28, 2009 | Texas

I am a prince looking for real wings in fields of magnetic pretend bunnies.

December 28th, 2009

Red Thumb Fist

December 27th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | XI

December 26th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | IX

December 26th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | X

December 25th, 2009

I Cannot Fly

December 24th, 2009

BWI | 9 Hours

I spent 9 hours in BWI trying to get to Texas yet this is not why it was so familiar or why I felt the way I did and I hadn’t ever been here before. Only one other day compares to this day and it too was in an airport only it was not this one. The feelings were the same, for the same reason and these feelings were unwanted.

December 24th, 2009

BWI | Blue

December 23rd, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | VIII

December 23rd, 2009

BWI | Red

I Am Red (In The Face)

(even in the fucking eyelashes)

December 22nd, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | VII


December 21st, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | VI


– – –

I am (almost) in Texas now looking for stories. Should you have one to share, like to be in one that I can share or otherwise desire me to photograph you, just let me know as chances are, I will likely come right over. I will also likely be spending more time in Texas these following moments than I have since I lived in Texas 21 years ago.

Photographs or clay shooting, I am awaiting and desiring invitations.

December 20th, 2009

Learning To Bite December Secrets

December 18th, 2009


27 minutes, 17 seconds
Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 17, 2009

December 17th, 2009

Big Blue Man

11:02:00 PM

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 23, 2009

December 16th, 2009

#1RN | Tam Vo

One of 697 photographs of Tam Vo on the day before my birthday.
3:46:20 PM | 2009

December 16th, 2009

Little Blue Man

7:49:13 PM

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 21, 2009

December 16th, 2009

Thanks Raohl

(gift of hat)

December 15th, 2009

Swarm | {forthcoming book}

swarm | New Hampshire – Maine | May 2009

December 14th, 2009

The Furnace (for Larry)

December 13th, 2009

Five Seconds And One Woman

She saw me looking at her. I took her photograph. She turned away. I took another.

2:04:47 PM | 2:04:52 PM

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 21, 2009

December 11th, 2009

One Man, Standing Alone

City of the Violet Crown | 8/22/09 | 2:26:21 PM

One Man, Standing Alone

One Man, Standing Alone

Three Men, Standing Alone

December 10th, 2009

A Kiss

11/28/2009 | 3:56:09 PM | Brooklyn

December 9th, 2009

A Man In Connecticut

This one man stood up against a giant financial trading company when he realized something wasn’t quite right with the service they claimed to offer. When he kept getting louder and louder, rather than fix the system when they realized he was on to them, this company asked him to take his business elsewhere. So he continued to only get louder. Well done sir.

I know I can relate to this all too well, there should be more of these loud individuals in the world.

December 8th, 2009


Dover Furnace Shooting Grounds, NY


December 8th, 2009

A New York Night

From this place it is the Zero that I can see.

3:48:37 AM | 3:37:26 AM | 4:00:24 AM
November 30, 2009

December 7th, 2009

#1RN | 2/10/09 – 3:00:08PM

December 7th, 2009


Today, my fortune cookie had no fortune.

Today, I ran into a photographer I have known 18 years and have not seen in maybe 7 years in an elevator I had no real business being in. While still a good photographer still making images, they no longer rely on photography for money.
Today, I mailed things I made to people that didn’t know they were coming nor asked for them.

December 6th, 2009

10/4/09 | Brooklyn

11:14:52 AM | 11:19:13 AM

December 6th, 2009

2 Spring Evenings

December 6th, 2009


December 5th, 2009

11/18/09 | I

December 5th, 2009

11/18/09 | II

December 5th, 2009

11/18/09 | III

December 5th, 2009

11/18/09 | IV

December 5th, 2009

Blue Leaf | Blue Sheet

December 4th, 2009

Chateauroux Air Station

Fred N. Rabe Is My Mother’s Father
February 5, 1962 | Chateauroux Air Station, France
(N. is for Nelson, also my middle name)

My mother’s father, Fred N. Rabe was a noncommissioned Air Force personnel officer. He was in charge of several tasks including Humanitarian Reassignments, Foreign Jail Release of Air Force personnel and the notification of next of kin.

During Vietnam, he was the man that knocked on the door.

– – –
I cannot remember the last time I saw him alive.

I can remember him taking me to McDonald’s however and ordering my burgers for me, just how I liked them, plain and dry. I can remember watching him smoke as I ate them too. It was only a year or two ago that I learned he did this in secret and it was for me alone that he even entered the place.

I can remember seeing my mom on the phone when the call came and all the other details around this moment.

I can remember the Honor Guard at Arlington National Cemetery firing the shots at his funeral. I was not watching them, I was watching my grandmother. I had not yet entered the third grade.

1957 | Quam, Mariana Islands & 2001 | Arlington National Cemetery, VA

December 4th, 2009

Monday | December 9, 1968

Charles S. Saunders Jr. Is My Father | The Pensacola News – p. 5B

Also of note, on p. 5B:

December 4th, 2009


Charles S. Saunders Sr. Is My Father’s Father
USMC | SMS-12. MAG-12.
(birthday listed made him two years older then he was, reason unknown)

We called him by the name given to him by others: “Slug.”

The origin of this nickname is believed to be a shortened version of the word “slugger.” He got that from playing football in Texas because of how hard he hit others. It is not known if these hits were from Slug hitting in legal football plays or just hitting people in general… very hard.

Slug went to Texas A&M for college and in December 1941 was a sophomore. It is grand Texas Aggie folklore/fact that after Pearl Harbor, almost all the Texas Aggies joined the Marine Corp. My grandfather Slug was one of them.

He served several years and went on to meet my grandmother at a USO function and they settled back in Texas.

– – –

I only lived in Texas for three years growing up and did not really see him very often. The last time I can remember seeing him alive was during the last year I lived my three in Texas. I was a freshman in high school and was just wrapping up the JrROTC final inspection of which I was a large part. It was the largest formal inspection/review I ever did and was a very big deal. At the time, I had no idea he even knew it was taking place. I was leaving the review field and walking back towards the campus. I saw a lone figure standing under a tree watching us all leave from a far in that small spot in the shade. As we got closer the figure waved and I realized it was him, Slug, my grandfather. It was a little shocking yet a welcome surprise. He hadn’t joined my mother in the bleachers or even gone with the other spectators, he had watched it all from that spot.

I left the group I was with and walked up to him, we only shared a few words. He shook my hand and as I walked back towards the others, I would turn and look back every few steps. He was still there, standing under that tree.

Date & location unknown.

December 3rd, 2009

2 Small Red Things

Bentonville, Arkansas

December 2nd, 2009

Blonde Fist

December 1st, 2009


Brooklyn | 2002
2 of an estimated 5000+ images not edited or scanned.

December 1st, 2009

Stories Six | Touch Me

download PDF 6 | touch and own 6

download a PDF | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

November 30th, 2009

The Girl From Maine


I photographed her in Maine. I did not know her, she was simply a girl available to photograph one day, so I did. A roll of 12 inside, a roll of 12 outside. I didn’t process the film for some time after returning to NYC. I made a few prints, one ended up in my old journal and then on my wall. It’s still there today, almost 10 years now.

Maybe a year later, after it went up on the wall so long ago now, another girl from Maine came over and saw the print on my wall. She looked at me and told me that this girl had committed suicide. This stuck with me and bothered me for years, I looked at the images differently and never took it off my wall, seeing it almost everyday.

I tried to fact check it a couple months ago, it always really bothered me. I checked around and the girl I still know from Maine checked around. We had the wrong information. Rumor has it the girl in my photograph above is actually alive and well and somewhere in NYC.

I haven’t taken the photograph down.


November 30th, 2009

McDonald’s | West Chester, PA

McDonald’s | Posted August 26, 2006

I lived in West Chester, PA from 1988 to 1991. A guy I talked to on the school bus sometimes worked at this McDonald’s. I never really knew him well and cannot even remember his name, but once when my brother and I went through the drive through he gave us extra fries and apple pies. I ate here pretty often in high school once I learned to drive.

I don’t remember how I heard or the right order of things, but here’s the story as I remember it: The guy I knew was suppose to work one day but for whatever reason he couldn’t work a particular shift and switched. On the shift he was suppose to work, this McDonald’s was robbed. Someone came in at closing, locked the doors, tied up two employees and shot them while they were tied up and bound in the back somewhere.

I remember how different he seemed after it happened, he should have been working that night. The last time I saw him was walking home from the bus stop dressed in a shirt and tie, we talked in his driveway awhile as he just kind of stared at the grass, he had just come from a funeral.

Every time I go to West Chester I try to eat here or at least get a shake or something at the drive through, I am not really sure why, it just feels like something I should do.

McDonald’s | Posted September 13, 2006, Only 18 Days Later

Today I got an email from a woman named Cynthia, she allowed me to share it:

“I just wanted to comment on the story from August about the McDonald’s in West Chester…. My aunt was the manager that was shot and killed in that McDonald’s… It was in 1989… In January… If you have any other info please forward to me… Thanks…

I was floored. I thought maybe one or two of my friends read this site and I treat it as such. Now someone found me. Well, not me, but my story. She had been looking for info just like I had and she found my image and story. I emailed her back and told her that I too was unable to find much info about what happen and how I feel every time I see this McDonald’s.

“I was only 10 yrs old when she was killed but I remember the limited details I was told… If ya know what I mean… The guy who killed her is still in prison and hopefully he will not be getting out anytime soon. Eventually I will get the courage to go there. Thanks again for telling me your story… Oh and my aunt’s name was Jean Ryder… She was in her 40’s…


(I had a site elsewhere from June 18, 2006 – June 18, 2007 before it was what this site is today. These 409 stories are no longer online, but some need to be retold sometimes, over and over).

November 26th, 2009

I Eat Everyday

* – for best video playback results and without image letterbox:
touch the full screen icon above, HD on, scaling off

201 Meals | 11/2009

November 25th, 2009

Frank O3 | Letter 1

Frank O3 | #1RN | Letter from Frank O3

Folded | Unfolded

Detail 1

Detail 2

Image of me I had mailed Frank O3 prior to this letter back to me.

November 24th, 2009

Frank O3 | Letter 2

Frank O3 | Maine | Letter from Frank O3

– – –

November 23rd, 2009


November 22nd, 2009



November 21st, 2009

10/25/09 | Brooklyn

2:39:25PM | 2:39:57PM | 2:05:08PM

November 20th, 2009

7 Days Ago

November 13, 2009 | 1:26:09PM & 1:10:53PM | (At A Magazine)

November 20th, 2009

Day | Day | Night

There | Disneyland | Here

November 19th, 2009

A Woman In Texas I Love – S


November 18th, 2009

A Woman In Texas I Love – K


November 17th, 2009

A Woman In Texas I Love – M


November 16th, 2009

A Woman In Texas I Love – T


November 15th, 2009

#1RN | 11/8/09 – 2:02:09AM

“Stay gold Ponyboy, stay gold.”

November 15th, 2009

I Am 888 | Medals

I was wearing them around the first hour after they arrived.
Then one of the medals fell off the ribbon so they are now on the shelf.


My father shot the above video, I only missed 13 of 100 targets.
In the short time he was there and filmed, he captured 8 of those.
5 Stand | 87 of 100 | 4th of 92

November 14th, 2009

11/7/09 | Brooklyn

11:39:51AM | 11:42:13AM | 11:43:49AM

November 13th, 2009

Big Tujunga

Big Tujunga | The End of Summer | Los Angeles | September 21, 2009

please press play for 2 minute 45 second video


November 12th, 2009

Toy | Rock | Tire | Toy

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 21, 2009

November 11th, 2009

I Cannot Fly

November 10th, 2009

Touch Me For Victory

I was asked to do something that would not be returned to me in kind. The actions of the asker did not match their words or desires they had given me explicitly. I however was predictable and for this I was left wanting only what we had started.
So I screamed and I laughed.

I did this with the loudest megaphones I could achieve on television for the masses and the millions in a hope of a reversal of this bad fortune now at hand. I kept metaphors and riddles in place to hide all these nonsecrets because I only want what had started to someday begin again.

– – –

I didn’t want to win, I didn’t want to lose. I just wanted to be there. Victory and defeat never occurred to me to be applicable or possible. I gave two high five this day as you can see above and below. One of these touches went on to win the show with over $70,000 after touching my hand.

I touched your hand once too, you also won.

Jonathan Touches Peter | The Price Is Right | September 22, 2009

November 9th, 2009

The Price Is Right

This is the tree directly by the entry gate to the Price Is Right game show. These are the hedges fencing in the lot. I was here to scream my love on national television and as it turns out, this is not an original thought.

Many years ago, I watched my name be scrawled on the wall outside Graceland tagged in third along with a couples. I would rather have it carved in this tree, in a heart, with only one other name.

Los Angeles | September 22, 2009

November 8th, 2009

The Event

Los Angeles | September 17-18, 2009

November 7th, 2009

In The Canyon

November 6th, 2009

I Am 888 | Subway

That’s not a camera case. This is not illegal.

November 6th, 2009

Mine Mine Mine

Excuse me – Ours, Ours, Ours.

This is why we work and this is why we try to make ourselves better.
This is why we are who we are and this is how we love.

This cannot be questioned.

– – –

This is my niece. In this moment, she is the closet thing to having my own child I can have. I told my brother where to stand and how to work my camera and then for maybe the first time, I asked him to be me with it while I pretended I was him. In this moment, my brother was the best photographer there ever was.

October 29, 2009 | 07:19:52 PM | Texas

November 5th, 2009

I Am 888 | O, R, G, Y



National Sporting Clay Championships | San Antonio, TX

Orange – Red – Green – Yellow | I Am 888 | A Class

MAIN Event – 300 Targets over four days on four courses. I started each day on station #3 to work my way around each course in rotation, day by day. I also competed in three other events for a total of 600 registered targets in 4 days with another 725 targets in practice for a total of 1325 targets in 5 days.

MAIN – 220/300 | I was 38th of 139

K Cup – 65/100 | I was 58th of 150

FITASC – 77/100 | I was 7th of 60

FIVE Stand – 87/100 | I was 4th of 92

A Class All Around – 449/600 | I was 6th of 47


This was my third Nationals.
I received 6 of the 10 punches required for AA Class and I will receive 2 trophies.

– – –



Jackie, Jonathan, Dee & John | Rotation #2 | Yellow Course, MAIN

November 4th, 2009

I Am 888 | Parcour 2

FITASC A-E | Parcour 2

FITASC is a round of 25 targets with very regimented gun control, rules and even attire. One set of targets shot from three different positions or PEGS makes a round of FITASC. At Nationals, competitors shoot 4 different courses or PARCOUR, for a total of 100 FITASC targets.

203 competitors attempted A-E FITASC at Nationals, only 1 of those 203 had a perfect PARCOUR. On PARCOUR 2, on Saturday, October 31, 2009, finishing about 1:17:48 PM Central time:

I shot a perfect PARCOUR, all 25 of 25 targets were broken.

November 3rd, 2009

#1RN | Frame # 1127, 1206, 1240

3 of 1325 images | October 13-14, 2009

November 3rd, 2009

I Am 888 | Burn

I walked out into this field in that hot Texas sun.
My skin burned red and blistered I wanted victory so badly.
– – –
I threw absolutely everything I had towards that blue sky till I had nothing left.

October 29th, 2009

Mark & Max

Mark | Los Angeles : 1 year, 8 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes, 3 seconds later

Max | Los Angeles : 1 year, 8 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes, 18 seconds later

October 26th, 2009

Remember The Alamo

* – please press play for a 3 min video in 34 chronological parts

There’s a giant red brick wall out there in the air and I have lost track of how many times I have banged my head against it now. Hit the blue send button, hit the blue send button, hit the blue send button and repeat. To this wall I fear I am anonymous, I am one in the horde, I am not a unique snowflake, I am a kiss blown in the middle of the tornado slamming up into this wall’s business.

I started to try and count them all – each bang of my head, then decided that this time, with these, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to care and I don’t want to share them all, so understand, this is not all, this is not even close.

Hit the blue send button, I am Chuck fucking Yeager.


– – –

I am currently in my third year on my annual vision quest of fall… my rightly, stately trial, my call to arms in the great state of Texas. I am there now, locked in a battle against myself yet measurable by others from across this nation and further. It has been my goal these trials, these years, to return with trophy, with prize, with pride and not who I was 4 short days of trials later.

My first return to Texas was full of preparations of great magnitude and hope. I failed.

My second return to Texas was full of preparations of great mildness and brief moments of astonishing excellence in my actions. My goal was reached.

This is my third return to Texas on this vision quest, it was full of absolutely no preparations over the last 6 months or goals of achievement and was scrambled to out of just sheer will of attendance and the alluring mystique of Texas itself.

– – –

Yes, I remember the Alamo… with every fucking breath I take.

October 23rd, 2009

#1RN | Julie G

October 5, 2009 | 2 of 666 images

October 22nd, 2009

#1RN | Eric M

October 13, 2009 | 03:27:34 PM

Eric had an image coming up in a magazine. The magazine wanted a contributor’s photograph of him and he asked me to take it. As it was for a magazine, now now now was in full effect. I made 285 photographs and gave him a high res of the first three I felt were Eric the moment we were done. Then he went on his way and I went mine.

6 hours, 6 minutes and 26 seconds later, I received the following email:

Subject: Already framed I love it so much
Body: Thanks again Jonathan. I really love it

This is why I make photographs.

October 21st, 2009

#1RN | 10/5/2009

October 21st, 2009

The Daily Show | 10/14/09

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Joy of Rx
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Ron Paul Interview

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Ron Paul Interview

I went on national television (again), so you could maybe hear me.

I was there, in the room, under a microphone, 40ft from the man, laughing, laughing, laughing… because I don’t think the screaming was enough.

October 20th, 2009

I Cannot Fly

October 19th, 2009

J & B | 9/18/09

101 Photographs of 2,228 | 1 Day, 7 Hours, 39 Minutes and 1 Second
(Thursday, 9/17/09 at 6:08:45 PM – Saturday, 9/19/09 at 1:47:46 AM)

– – –

All images presented in chronological order.

October 16th, 2009


This is Mackynzie Renee Duggar.

She is 2 days, 19 hours and 32 minutes old in the above photograph.

These are the new parents, Josh and Anna Duggar on October 11, 2009.

After a period of supervised courtship, in which they were allowed to hold hands but not to kiss, twenty-year-old Josh and twenty-year-old Anna married on September 26, 2008 where they kissed for the first time. 377 days later on October 8, 2009, Mackynzie was born.

Josh Duggar is the oldest child of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar who as of this story, are expecting their 19th child in March 2010 and have a reality show on TLC called 18 Kids and Counting. Mackynzie is Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s first grandchild.

I was assigned to make these photographs for People magazine.

Thanks to Mackynize, Josh, Anna, Jim Bob, Michelle, Jordyn, Alica, Meagan and G.

– – –

October 15th, 2009

(from Psalm 127)

I was invited into a home in which I was a stranger. In this home I was prayed for, my photographic task was prayed for and my safe return to my home very far away was prayed for…

Thank you.

October 13th, 2009


08:50:15 AM | 04:48:33 PM | 05:09:43 PM

October 13th, 2009

Love Thy Children

Rogers, Arkansas | 04:26:13 PM | 04:27:47 PM | 04:47:00 PM

October 12th, 2009

Picture Trade

We were looking for a bowling alley, I really needed to knock something down, I needed that joy. On the way, the technology passed us by a carnival but I kept driving, I wanted that alley. We got to the address but the alley was not there. I turned us around and drove back past the carnival. As I approached an intersection to the left was a tree making a shadow on the side of a gas station and on the right, away from the carnival sitting alone on the curb backlit in the low yellow sunlight, was a clown. It was a moment, a moment one could be blind and make this photograph moment.

The streetlight changed and we kept driving, stopping only when we hit the lanes and then we bowled. We bowled the best we could and then we went after our cameras, drove back to the carnival racing the setting sunlight and hunted that clown.

We arrived and went our own ways in the blinking lights and setting sun. I didn’t want the clown, I didn’t want the strangers; my mind was on my photographic task that brought me here now only hours away and I craved its start.

I sat on a bench, my big camera in my hands, my little cameras spread on the bench around me and I stared at my feet as the couples and children raced around. Then I saw him.

He approached me shy and slow with his hand outreached, in this hand was a silver snapper with the manufactures advertising stickers still all over it. He didn’t speak English well but I knew instantly what he wanted. He wanted me to take his photograph and I accepted without a word. I made two frames with his snapper as they stood together not knowing quite what to do. I handed the camera back to him and he smiled, he smiled big. As he turned to share the images with her, he looked back at me one more time and smiled with a nod of gratitude.

When I saw this I pointed at my camera and at them and said, “My turn?” His smiled dropped away and he placed his camera on the bench and then went to her and took her bag so it too would not be in my image, he knew this was now a different story. Having placed their items on the bench he stood next to her and awaited my words. I didn’t give him any, I just made a motion of an embrace… then they did.

I raised my camera and took one frame and then whispered, “Thank you, don’t forget your items on the bench.” I then turned and walked away… The dark was coming.

Rogers, Arkansas | October 10, 2009 | 04:43:41 PM & 05:03:50 PM

October 9th, 2009

After (for Irving)

October 7th, 2009

I Am Red (in the face)

please press play for 81 second video | 2 of 9 procedures
* – best results in full screen, scaling off, volume up up up

12:55:24 AM | #1RN | October 4, 2009

01:01:40 AM | #1RN | October 4, 2009

October 6th, 2009

I Am Black

10:18:59 PM | #1RN | October 3, 2009

October 6th, 2009

I Am White

10:18:59 PM | #1RN | October 3, 2009

October 5th, 2009

Come On Down

When the taping was over, my voice was almost gone.

The poor woman in front of my seat held her ears with each of my screams.

I went on national television just so I could yell at you.

* – when someone waits over 20 years to be on The Price Is Right and they line up for hours ahead of taping and you basically force them (awesome) to do a green screen shot of them on the set they otherwise would never touch…. Please, for the sake of their DREAM, please line them up correctly on the monitor…

October 4th, 2009

A Red Door I Did Not Close

5:31:52 PM | 5:33:02 PM

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 21, 2009

October 3rd, 2009

Man Hug

Elapsed Time: 7 Seconds | 5:33:40 PM

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 21, 2009

October 2nd, 2009

Man Mail Day

(touch image for larger view)

All text quoted below is exactly as it came to me entirely and is unedited.

From male photographer friend 1:

“BDay Steak & Grilled BDay Steak”

From male photographer friend 2:

“Also just got an EOTech 552 for one of my ARs, yummy…”

From male photography representative:

“Your site is always disconcertingly good.


I received all this mail the same day, all unrelated.

From female photographer:


Please remove me from your mailing list.

Thank you,

October 1st, 2009

Burn Burn Burn

I wanted to see the burn and not the fire. I drove up to the hills and was stopped there and here and there. I was not allowed. It was another secret to be kept from me. I never saw fire, I never saw smoke, I only saw burn from far far far away. I photographed here until the burning of my skin by sunlight matched the pain of the burning I still feel on my brain and then I left this place.

So when I got home and looked at my images from the nearly burned but not, I set them on fire electronically with tools and techniques of hate in an effort to destroy that beauty that I had seen.

10:43:54 AM | 11:20:35 AM

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 21, 2009

September 30th, 2009

Stills From A 176 Second Film

Stills from a 176 second film I never made.

5:21:14 PM – 5:24:10 PM | 2 minutes, 56 seconds

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | September 23, 2009

I asked her for a few seconds of her time and thankfully she agreed.

September 30th, 2009

This Is Not My Bride

Everyone was waiting on me, I had been around the corner getting the memory cards swapped all around. I walked into the room, the big, old, classic, beautiful room and walked towards everyone. A friend approached and handed me the strobe’s radio slave and said “F/10.” It wasn’t my lighting, it wasn’t my set and it wasn’t about me. I slapped the transmitter on top of my camera, set the thing and kept pressing that button over and over. All the time, staring at her, staring at her, staring at her – just like I had been for the last five hours, five minutes and nineteen seconds before this frame.

A friend of a friend asked me to do this for them (her) on the promise of a plane ride, a car ride and a bed. I accepted. It was the 10th wedding I have photographed in 20 years and only the second in which I accepted anything in return – rides, beds and maybe a meal. Everything else… that’s always on me.

In the one day, three hours, fifty-nine minutes and twenty-seven seconds I stared at them, (her), I made 2,228 photographs for an average of one photograph every 45 seconds.

When the portrait session was over, I made an image of her over my shoulder with my face in the frame. The only people left in the room were the bride, the groom and the best man. When the best man saw me do this he took my camera from me and pushed me into the above portrait. He said something like, “C’mon, you know you want a portrait of yourself with the bride.”

He knows me well. I did… and I never would of asked.

September 29th, 2009

12 Years After Los Angeles Blue

Los Angeles | The End of Summer | 2009

September 29th, 2009

I Kiss And Tell

Disneyland | 12:09:55 PM

I waited and waited and waited, then I got to kiss her.

She is now awake…. It must of really happen.

“A prince who had heard the story of the enchantment braved the wood, which parted at his approach, and entered the castle. He trembled upon seeing the princess’s beauty and fell on his knees before her. He kissed her, then she woke up, then everyone in the castle woke to continue where they had left off…”

This is a true story, more so then most may know. Only I think she feel asleep again, now I must brave the wood again and again and again till I can awake her anew with every brick in my empire.

September 28th, 2009

One Man, Standing Alone

Los Angeles, CA | 9/21/09 | 2:09:45 PM

One Man, Standing Alone

Three Men, Standing Alone

September 27th, 2009

Jewel City (Lanes)

I want to go bowling with you.

September 26th, 2009

“Don’t Leave Me”

I want to go bowling with you.

September 26th, 2009

LA Pull


September 16th, 2009

#1RN | Joerg C

Joerg Colberg

If you don’t know or read, you are living underneath a photographic rock.

September 15th, 2009

City Of The Violet Crown

September 15th, 2009

Not Mine 1

One of these photographs is not mine.

September 15th, 2009

Not Mine 2

One of these photographs is not mine.

September 15th, 2009

Not Mine 3

One of these photographs is not mine.

September 14th, 2009

#1RN | 9/12/09

12:22:42 PM

3:04:52 PM

Not pictured – “I’m scared when my daughter leaves your apartment, she will have lost all her innocence.”

3:21 PM

September 13th, 2009

I See You

please press play above

A True Story on 8/24/07 | Recorded & Published Privately 8/24/08

8/24/07 | 4:13 AM

10/3/07 | 2:20 AM

10/3/07 | 10:40 PM

10/5/07 | 12:53 AM

10/6/07 | 1:25 AM

10/7/07 | 4:01 AM & 10/8/07 | 3:45 AM

10/8/07 | 9:18 PM

She told me on that one day that this was my opportunity to make something, something meaningful. She then kept asking me over and over, “Can you see me, can you see… Can you see me?”

I printed out the screen on which I saw her, framed it, wrote her a story in white ink across it and shipped it. I saw her on my screen just one more time then wrote the false stories and hit send, send, send, send, send, send and send.

September 10th, 2009


This is Joshua Deaner.

1st Place | Fine Art
Photography Book Now Competition

I SELL FISH. | 350 pages

Out of 2400 books, including my best efforts, my friend Joshua won.

September 9th, 2009

CR | The Book

please touch the image for a one minute video

CR | The Book
$20 + $5 USA shipping

A book of this portfolio is now available for order.

September 9th, 2009

One Man, Standing Alone

20 North IH 35 | Austin, TX | 8/23/09 | 8:26:17 AM

He stood between this tree and those buildings in the City of the Violet Crown.

© Google

Three Men, Standing Alone

I saw those three men on a return from an important journey. I saw this man moments before the return of a second journey following up on the first. It is in these moments that these men seem everywhere I look.

September 8th, 2009

Me Me Me

I talk too much.

I use Profoto, Profoto sees fit to brag about this and I am not one to question.

September 7th, 2009

City Of The Violet Crown

September 7th, 2009

An Old Gift

The first true teacher I ever had claimed he could fly. He also claimed he was from outer space. I saw no reason to doubt or judge him on either claim, so long as he stayed a true teacher and let me someday see the evidence, whatever it may be and in whatever form. I am still waiting, but he has thrown some marvelous peeks out into the world.

In Kentucky in 1994 on the way to yet another wedding, I jumped and jumped and jumped into the sky over and over again into a pool we all paid $0.25 each to swim in. Someone I was there with photographed me there against that sky.

Maybe a year later, I remember visiting him with his girl. It was late and I was about to leave their room to sleep. He looked over at his girl and asked, “Should I give it to him now?” She replied simply, “Yes.” He pulled this painting out of the closet and handed it to me.

That day in Kentucky, out in the sun and up in that sky, I got the worst sunburn of my life. The color of my back far surpassed the red of any hot hot bright bright red red sun.

This is my photograph of the back of the painter that day in Kentucky. It was maybe yesterday or maybe it was 15 years, either way I can still feel the sting all over my back.

September 6th, 2009

9/4/09 | I

September 6th, 2009

9/4/09 | II

September 6th, 2009

9/4/09 | III

September 6th, 2009

9/4/09 | IV

September 5th, 2009

spare | strike = A Red 189

Callicoon, NY

The one consistent thing when I travel lost or when I otherwise need it, it turns out, in a way I wasn’t aware of until last night, is the alley.

Now I have no idea how to even bowl correctly nor do I want it. I went some growing up and enjoyed it enough during my brief 3 years in Texas close to family in the 80’s. Then it faded.

In college, (fall 1994, same time as the Promise Lane story and then again in summer 1997 after leaving and returning), when the color print processor was having troubles, I hit the alley. I went in the morning before the leagues and then later the same day after. So much so the owner/operator just shook his head at me and started comping me shoes and games. I would be put on one end of the alley and just left alone, throwing the ball, throwing the ball and throwing the ball.

When traveling on assignment bowling is a great way to kill the time in between not otherwise filled with details. One can always find an alley if one looks. I have been to 43 of the lower 48 states. I have bowled in at least 25-30.

In 1999, after a real deep love had left just days prior and I dropped communication with many of my friends, I was in West Virginia on an assignment for a major news magazine on one of the most emotional subjects I ever had the privilege to witness. I had just left the home and had 3 hours before I needed to get to the airport to go to the next heart wrenching home in Indiana. I was driving over a bridge when I saw a sign right next to the bridge that simply said BOWL and had an arrow pointing straight down. I found the alley, almost under the bridge I had just been on and went in. I was alone in the place except for 3 people on the lane 2 lanes over. Two older women and one old man, the kind of old man you know is smarter then you and hope to be someday. They were all laughing and having a nice time. I started bowling. Throwing the ball, throwing the ball and throwing the ball. I noticed I was around 100 by the 5th frame and that they had stopped bowling. When I looked over, the old man was looking at me, “You alright son?” he asked. I smiled, said “Yes” and looked at my feet, I felt awful I ruined their bowling moment. I got to frame 10 and left.

A year later I accepted an invitation to go bowling here in NYC. I had a broken foot and was on crutches, the people who invited me didn’t know this until I showed up. I still bowled.

A year after that on September 10, 2001, I was out till about 3am, bowling. I slept through most of the events that morning of the 11th until I heard my answering machine playing out loud a friends voice of long ago asking me through her tears, “Are you okay, are you okay?”

Snoqualmie, WA

I only bowl but maybe once a year. Somehow, it always feels significant. Last night it was, I was throwing the ball, throwing the ball and throwing the ball surrounded by good friends. I finished with a red scoreboard at 189.

September 4th, 2009

This Is Justin

This is Justin. He is 41 years old.

Justin manages money better then I do.

“This year, emerging-market funds have soared on expectations that the worst of the credit crisis is over. The New York-based Oppenheimer Developing Markets Fund, (The $6.9 billion fund) managed by Justin Leverenz, topped the emerging-market equity fund chart in part by posting a gain of 37.8 percent in the first six months of 2009. Leverenz, 41, says he buys stocks in companies when temporary trouble or controversy prompts investors to sell them.”


September 3rd, 2009

Promise Lane

Promise Lane | Rochester, NY | 1994

I recently posted some images counting down to an event, an event I knew would be one of the most significant in my life to this point or at the least, or at the most, more significant a moment then I have experienced in any time I that can remember.

Images of this event I then postponed, or canceled once started, as the pressure was too great for someone very close that I cared for. I did not feel this pressure when maybe I should of as I honestly don’t always see what is clear when what is clear or known to me, I find only wonderful.

The image countdown felt familiar, so much so, I remember telling someone about it and how I do it often, but I could not recall when or why it defined a part of me so easily nor when I last did it. To some, a self imposed delay can make the reward only greater, but when a moment is right to me, it is very hard for it to feel correct ever again. So I jump and blindly hope for the best.

Then, I remembered; I don’t really do this countdown often at all it turns out, at least not in a way that I am always aware of in the moment. I can only think of one other time… The two events were not the same, the countdown was not the same.

In 1993/1994, I lived with two couples. Both of these couples were a year ahead of me in school and before they went their ways and I went mine, both of these couples got married. I was invited to both weddings and invited to make photographs at both weddings. I had been alone at the time and would remain so. While they had all found and fell in love with each other in school, I had not found anyone.

This has always struck me as disappointing and yet I took pride in it as I knew my life had remained all about me and trying to learn all I could while I could in such a small perfect little expensive vacuum.

In July 1994, I worked in a museum for the summer and was house sitting in a home that was less then welcoming. I use to steal film here and there and go for walks with my deceased and unmet grand stepfather’s camera. I made work prints in the museum after hours and kept my test strips.

In September 1994, a previous roommate’s wedding was coming. I wanted to mark the wait or the countdown. So I got the bride’s address and as the wedding approached, day by day, I dropped one test strip from these images into the mail simply with a stamp slapped on it to her at her parent’s house.

Her parents lived on a road called Promise Lane.

The only time I heard or thought of these images again was later at the reception when I had already sort of forgotten sending them. The bride’s mother informed me that when they stopped, she missed having a new image in the mail each day.

Fifteen years have gone by now since I did this or looked at these images. I could of made them this past July and mailed them last week.

I cannot escape myself and I too like new images in the mail each day, when they stop, I also miss them.

I am sentimental.

Using this site yesterday, I wanted to send myself many many many images from this past July, I sent them to myself here, in September.

I am nostalgic.

Maybe you saw them and maybe you missed them when they stopped. I did.

I am romantic.

– – –

After the wedding and at the reception on September 24, 1994, this woman flipped a coin and wondered…

I did the same thing yesterday, I threw my coin as high as I could…

It never came back down.

September 2nd, 2009

“You Changed Clothes”

I was once assigned to shoot a cover of TIME, a senator at the Senate building. He had made big news to say the least and TIME had the exclusive. I was all set to go, but what to wear? I got really nervous about it, it was going to be outside on a balcony in summer, so hot. I was really worried too as I knew the white house photographer for TIME was going to shoot behind the scenes and I knew everyone at TIME would see how I was dressed in those images. I went to 3 stores and tried on dress shirts and suits, nothing fit, was wrinkled, I had no iron and would by flying in and out of DC in one day for it and checking more and more items or things to carry was making the budget higher then I knew I could already get away with. Never mind spending all that money on a suit to only wear once on a small budget that already had a loophole in the deal to not be a cover or at least not pay me for one if it didn’t happen.

I remember standing in a Banana Republic® and getting really stressed out over a shirt, it was so silly but nonetheless, there I was.

So I got linen pants and nice new simple black T. Done.

So, not only was I shot by the white house photographer, about 10 film crews from the news channels shot the photo shoot as it was the only time the senator was in public that day. So I think it went on TV, not sure.

Then, back in NYC that night, I got to be in the art directors office during layout for my cover. It was almost midnight and I had changed into nicer black designer jeans and a button down by a fancy designer. It was one of the biggest moments of my career watching like a fly on the wall, really really really great in fact.

As I stood there, staring at what was to be my cover of TIME surrounded by all the big decision makers, the DOP standing next to me was looking through the contact sheets of the white house photographer that shot my shoot.

The DOP looked at me, looked me over, head to toe, and said, “You changed clothes.”

No judgments or comments, just those three words, I had no idea what the DOP had meant.

Later that night, almost 1am or so, the PE called to tell me they switched it, I didn’t get my cover because the senator – not an exact quote but close – “Wasn’t recognizable enough as a person, readers wouldn’t know the face” – they put the president on the cover as they needed a sales boost that week.

I think if I had worn a suit, I would of gotten my cover?

I made two images that day. A large lit formal portrait that was to be the cover and some tight fast close ups in the less then 5 minutes I had total. The lit image wasn’t used and the close up was used double page in TIME.

The close up used was the first image I made. In fact, it had been the clip test (remember those? Lights + E-6 + Hasselblad + 5 minute shoot + 1 Polaroid = bad ass). Well, after having the clip in my pocket, waiting for the balance to be rushed for 2 hours, I realized that was the best shot. I pulled I it out of my pocket, dusted it off, threw it into the selects and then there it was, 2 pages in TIME.

The image that was to be the cover was later used for by the Senator for his memoir, so that almost made up for not getting my cover of TIME before I was 30, but not really.

Be professional to the situation, be true to yourself and be true to your subject, most times, you will get the respect the situation dictates.

Or… Wear Dri-FIT as to not sweat in your eyes in your 5 minutes in a hot conference room to photograph the richest man in the world. (Just be sure you recently bleached your hair to match a girls).

August 31st, 2009

A Special Action With Motives Unclear

I was as close to the stars as this plane would let me get. It was starting to spiral down. It was now over JFK airport and I was looking out the fake glass again in every direction I could except home.

Camera set to Auto. Software set to Auto.

This is not what was intended, this is not the story that was to be here now. I had reserved and been savoring the moment of this story’s posting for quite some time. It was a beautiful beautiful beautiful letter that will now most likely remain unmailed or saved for a time that is correct long after my correct time has passed.

One must learn to honor requests or one must learn to say no in choice of one’s own feelings.

These two sides of me fight each other.

Your side will most likely always win.

August 30th, 2009

An Afterward Forward

On The Hot Blue Texas Wind I Flew

please touch the image above to see and listen for 97 seconds



There was a hot hot blue blue wind blowing on me when I was just in Texas yesterday. There was also an emergency and the oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling. I was told to take a hold and breathe deeply and ignore the bag not inflating but instead for the first time in my life, amidst all my panic, I mistakenly pulled the emergency handle and jumped out a passage that I now believe or hope may not have really been there.


I miss that hot hot blue blue wind on my skin.


Looking out through the fake glass in these moments, I could still see the blue. Looking down at the floor around my feet, I could still see the blue. I could not however see the wind nor could I see the hot, this was shocking to me.



August 29th, 2009

A Forward Afterward

It is here, standing at this railing, looking through this glass, in these two moments that I felt a feeling like I never have felt before. I didn’t like it, it cannot be real and I know it to be wrong, I know it in my bones.

I am romantic like that and most likely I only hold on as strong as I am allowed.

Houston, TX | 8/24/2009 – 11:22:14 AM

Austin, TX | 8/23/2009 – 5:01:04 PM

August 28th, 2009

Papaya Park | XV


August 28th, 2009

Papaya Park | XVI

The waiting is about to end….

My Brother | My Mother

August 27th, 2009

Papaya Park | XIII


August 27th, 2009

Papaya Park | XIV


August 26th, 2009

Papaya Park | XI


August 26th, 2009

Papaya Park | XII


August 25th, 2009

Papaya Park | IX


August 25th, 2009

Papaya Park | X


August 24th, 2009

Papaya Park | VIII


August 24th, 2009

Papaya Park | VII


August 23rd, 2009

Papaya Park | VI


August 23rd, 2009

Papaya Park | V


August 22nd, 2009

Papaya Park | IV


August 22nd, 2009

Papaya Park | III


August 21st, 2009

Papaya Park | II


August 21st, 2009

Papaya Park | I

I went to Florida and starting waiting in a park called Papaya.

I waited 8 days for you to arrive here.

Watch me wait, twice a day, for the next 8 days.

August 20th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | I

August 20th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | II

August 20th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | III

August 20th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | IV

The National Shooting Complex

August 20th, 2009

The Last Time I Was In Texas | V

August 17th, 2009

I Recently Received Three Gifts

touch the image above to see and listen for 63 seconds

– – –

~tell_me_a_story: I broke up with a girlfriend in ’99. We were living together in San Francisco and the relationship had been on a year-long downhill slide. What finally happened was that I found out that she was cheating on me with someone she worked with–a particularly obnoxious guy at that. I immediately told her it was over and secretly I was relieved. We shared an apartment, so it was decided that she would move out. She found a room, but it wasn’t available for a week. We spent our last week together sitting down after work in the living room by the stereo, drinking beer, talking and listening to Summerteeth by Wilco, over and over and over again. We figured out where things went wrong and just how deeply incompatible we were, and mostly, how awful and unfixable we had made things over the last year. The music calmed us and seemed to steer the conversation. I saw her a few times after she moved out: a lunch, and I delivered a box of stuff from the apartment that was hers. The interactions weren’t the same without the music.

Hey, your photography rocks and your blog is a tremendous inspiration to me.

Thank you,

– – –

~tell_me_a_story: I did a search for Texas FITASC looking for a shoot and found your site. The SF stuff made me homesick and the portraits made me ache. Lovely, exquisite, any more adjectives will blow it.

– – –

Three unrelated gifts sent to me from across the internet.

Thank you, with all my heart. You know who you are.

August 15th, 2009

A Bullet Through The Wall

This is what it looks like on the outside wall of a room in which a firearm was accidentally discharged.

I did not do this, I was not present when this happen and no one was injured.

In a unrelated story, I heard the following recently from an ammunition company:

This year has been insane for our business, the new administration in DC has sold more firearms and ammo in the first 3 months for us than we expected to sell in the whole year.

August 15th, 2009

The Man Under The Rainbow

The Holland Tunnel approach, June 27, 2009 at 6:28:33 PM.

August 13th, 2009

It Would Seem I Am Officially Honorable

Hello Jonathan Saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘#1RN | Self Portrait’ has advanced through the second round and is now in the third and final round of the jurying process. Your entry is now an official Honorable Mention of the 2009 International Photography Awards.

In addition, your entry is now competing for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place title. All winners will be announced on Tuesday, August 18th.

Congratulations again. Stay Tuned and thank you for participating in the 2009 International Photography Awards.


International Photography Awards

Hello Jonathan Saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘CJ | 1’ has advanced through the second round and is now in the third and final round of the jurying process. Your entry is now an official Honorable Mention of the 2009 International Photography Awards.

In addition, your entry is now competing for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place title. All winners will be announced on Tuesday, August 18th.

Congratulations again. Stay Tuned and thank you for participating in the 2009 International Photography Awards.


International Photography Awards

August 10th, 2009

Stories #5 | Now Touchable

Stories #5

Own a touchable copy for about $5

download a low res PDF | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

August 10th, 2009

When My Heart Fails

When my heart fails, this is who I want to save me:

I’ll confess right now, I have no idea what exactly Discovery Channel is saying, but if they see fit to turn him into a superhero, I am not going to argue or look it up. I will say however that I know one thing this is saying to me… I want my doctors to wear capes and have above normal abilities. While Dr. Fernandez may not really wear a cape, he should.

August 9th, 2009

#1RN | Two Visitors

Two visitors I don’t know well and that don’t know each other, a long time ago.

August 9th, 2009

Almost Chronological

August 9th, 2009

Someone Sent Me This Yesterday

touch the image to play 5 second video

Someone made me this after seeing my image yesterday for the first time, he had not seen the third story I ever put here and has never met the subject in my photograph.

August 8th, 2009

98,273,084 Seconds

The time between my first image of us and my last image of us was 98,273,084 seconds.

Today is 8/8/09, Happy Birthday.

August 8th, 2009

Daydreams Of Victory

August 8th, 2009

Texas | April 2009

Red flowers.

August 7th, 2009

Red Flower, Red Hair, Red Flower

August 7th, 2009

Three Men, Standing Alone

53rd St. | New York, NY | 7/10/09

three photographs in one minute and twenty-six seconds

August 6th, 2009

My Mother’s Errand | McDonald’s ®

Mission : Human Food
(I wanted a milkshake)

July 9, 2009 | Florida | Parking Lot

August 6th, 2009

My Mother’s Errand | Target ®

Mission : Miscellaneous
(I got beard clippers, batteries, 4 Magic Eraser®, Ziploc® bags, socks)

July 9, 2009 | Florida | Parking Lot, Inside, Sidewalk

August 6th, 2009

My Mother’s Errand | The Veterinarian

Mission : Pet Food

July 9, 2009 | Florida | Parking Lot

August 6th, 2009

Your Entry Selected For ROUND 1

Received at 6:32PM, Thursday, August 6, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Your entry ‘#1RN | Self Portrait’ into the 2009 International Photography Awards.

Has been selected for ROUND 1 Judging .


The Int’l Photography Awards

Received at 7:30AM, Monday, August 10, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘Billy Ray Cyrus’ has passed through the first of three rounds in the
jurying process and is now an Official Selection of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
If your entry passes through the second round, it becomes an Honorable Mention and is eligible
to compete for the third and final round to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in
each subcategory. The overall cateogory finalists go on to compete for cash prizes and Lucie
statuettes at the forthcoming Lucie Awards.

If your entry advances, you will receive an email from us on Tuesday. Congratulations once more.

Very Best,

International Photography Awards

Received at 1:27PM, Monday, August 10, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Your entry ‘CJ | 1’ into the 2009 International Photography Awards.

Has been selected for ROUND 1 Judging .


The Int’l Photography Awards

Received at 1:27PM, Monday, August 10, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘CJ | 1’ has passed through the first of three rounds in the
jurying process and is now an Official Selection of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
If your entry passes through the second round, it becomes an Honorable Mention and is eligible
to compete for the third and final round to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in
each subcategory. The overall cateogory finalists go on to compete for cash prizes and Lucie
statuettes at the forthcoming Lucie Awards.

If your entry advances, you will receive an email from us on Tuesday. Congratulations once more.

Very Best,

International Photography Awards

Received at 1:29PM, Monday, August 10, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Your entry ‘#1RN | Self Portrait’ into the 2009 International Photography Awards.

Has been selected for ROUND 1 Judging .


The Int’l Photography Awards

Received at 3:58PM, Monday, August 10, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘#1RN | Self Portrait’ has passed through the first of three rounds in the
jurying process and is now an Official Selection of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
If your entry passes through the second round, it becomes an Honorable Mention and is eligible
to compete for the third and final round to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in
each subcategory. The overall cateogory finalists go on to compete for cash prizes and Lucie
statuettes at the forthcoming Lucie Awards.

If your entry advances, you will receive an email from us on Tuesday. Congratulations once more.

Very Best,

International Photography Awards

Received at 6:00AM, Tuesday, August 11, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘CJ | 1’ has passed through the first of three rounds in the
jurying process and is now an Official Selection of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
If your entry passes through the second round, it becomes an Honorable Mention and is eligible
to compete for the third and final round to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in
each subcategory. The overall cateogory finalists go on to compete for cash prizes and Lucie
statuettes at the forthcoming Lucie Awards.

If your entry advances, you will receive an email from us on Tuesday. Congratulations once more.

Very Best,

International Photography Awards

Received at 7:00AM, Tuesday, August 11, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘#1RN | Self Portrait’ has passed through the first of three rounds in the
jurying process and is now an Official Selection of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
If your entry passes through the second round, it becomes an Honorable Mention and is eligible
to compete for the third and final round to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in
each subcategory. The overall cateogory finalists go on to compete for cash prizes and Lucie
statuettes at the forthcoming Lucie Awards.

If your entry advances, you will receive an email from us on Tuesday. Congratulations once more.

Very Best,

International Photography Awards

Received at 9:00AM, Thursday, August 13, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘#1RN | Self Portrait’ has advanced through the second round and is now in the third and final round of the jurying process. Your entry is now an official Honorable Mention of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
In addition, your entry is now competing for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place title. All winners will be announced on Tuesday, August 18th.
Congratulations again. Stay Tuned and thank you for participating in the 2009 International Photography Awards.


International Photography Awards

Received at 11:00AM, Thursday, August 13, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘CJ | 1’ has advanced through the second round and is now in the third and final round of the jurying process. Your entry is now an official Honorable Mention of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
In addition, your entry is now competing for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place title. All winners will be announced on Tuesday, August 18th.
Congratulations again. Stay Tuned and thank you for participating in the 2009 International Photography Awards.


International Photography Awards

Received at 12:00PM, Thursday, August 13, 2009:

Hello jonathan saunders,

Congratulations. Your entry ‘#1RN | Self Portrait’ has advanced through the second round and is now in the third and final round of the jurying process. Your entry is now an official Honorable Mention of the 2009 International Photography Awards.
In addition, your entry is now competing for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place title. All winners will be announced on Tuesday, August 18th.
Congratulations again. Stay Tuned and thank you for participating in the 2009 International Photography Awards.


International Photography Awards

August 5th, 2009

I Have No One To Stand Behind

It embarrasses me I don’t know anyone that can fly that small flag beneath the larger one. I have to do a very long six degrees of separation to find someone and those degrees end with someone I have never met. Most people I would assume don’t even know what it means… but I do. I don’t care about the politics of the large flag and why the small flag is being flown again, I care about the love in raising that small flag up a pole in the first place.

This is the same flag, two photographs, five seconds apart, from a moving car.

I don’t have a home where a flag pole is possible, but I daydream of one and I daydream of what kind of flag I will believe in enough to raise up it, declaring my love.

August 5th, 2009

Sigh, A Wednesday

Today, when I sat down to try and get to work, I got a little hello from Adobe telling me I am no longer welcome to use my own software I legally paid thousand’s of dollars for… I spent three hours on the phone today with Adobe costumer support in India only to be told in very hard to understand English, “Look on the internet for help resolving your issue.”

Maybe it was just today as at 5:30AM, all my video embeds stopped working across the internet on all my sites, by 6AM the fat raccoon popped with a bunch of dysfunctional links even though no settings had been altered in weeks, then at 3PM Adobe locked me out and at around 7PM, Delta would only give me one way flights instead of round trips and both phone numbers for Delta were busy for over an hour… As of this moment, 16h after all the trouble started, all seems resolved. Sigh, not how I wanted to spend my Wednesday.

August 4th, 2009

Monday, 10:18pm EST | Drive

* – press play for 2m 8s video

Tonight, instead of sitting at my computer, I wish I was on the road, in the dark, going faster then I should be, looking out the windows, looking inside, listening to music too loudly, racing towards a place I knew I’d be happy to arrive at all so I could simply learn how to tell a story like no other.

August 4th, 2009

My Mother’s Brother

August 3rd, 2009

Ongoing Story | Part F

August 3rd, 2009

Ongoing Story | Part G

July 31st, 2009

Blood Removal

July 31st, 2009

They Don’t Love You Like I Love You

touch the image above to see and listen for 26 seconds
That beautiful woman stood up on stage and sang to me. The rain had stopped and the clouds were parting and I pressed record so she could sing to you like she sung to me. Now you can hear what I heard and see me as I was when I heard it.

Today I did something I almost never do and never do for many a good reason. I went to see live music and I still have been to less then five concerts. The call came, the time was right, I could not say no. I stood in the rain almost five hours waiting to hear her say it. When I heard her almost say the words, I pressed record on my phone. Once they were said, I put my phone back in my pocket and started the journey home.

Thank you Karen O. | 7/31/09 | 8:27:16 PM

(Yeah Yeah Yeahs)

July 30th, 2009

Helen’s Home

The day I met Helen.

July 30th, 2009

Folsom Street Fair

These images are old, very old. I remember the year, but have decided it does not matter. I can remember that I walked around for almost three hours without making images and that I really wish I had been. I did not know anyone and was there alone and wished I wasn’t.

I was about to leave in frustration with myself over many different reasons when someone from college I hadn’t seen since saw me and said hello. He was making images too and when I imagined the kind of images he was making, I suppose it bothered me enough to just start making my own.

I shot 19 rolls of film in less then an hour and only stopped as I had run out of film. Konica 640 Tungsten chrome film shot in daylight unfiltered that expired years before I got it mailed to me out of Neil Selkirk’s trash. It sat unprocessed a few years after I used it too.

No one spoke to me and I didn’t speak to anyone. Well, there was one person I remember speaking to me. She had emerald green eyes, soft blond hair pulled straight back, porcelain white skin and a chest that was exploding out of her corset, her emerald green corset that matched her eyes in sparkle and was tight… yes, that tight.

I cannot remember what she said to me, but I know she said it soft and while smiling. She was everything I wanted in this moment… I looked down at my camera away from her happy gaze, turned around and without saying a word to her, walked back off into the crowd.

July 27th, 2009





July 27th, 2009


41s video – touch image to watch & listen

July 26th, 2009

Waiting In San Antonio

I went to where I as told and waited twenty-nine minutes and fifty seconds. I walked around in circles and looked around in circles as the place I was told to wait was small and specific. I made 117 photographs in these circles. San Antonio looked like it always had or at least how I remembered and I liked that. Eventually, who I was waiting for arrived and I left this specific circle.

July 25th, 2009

Three Red Things

NY | My Favorite Towel In My Bathroom

FL | A Petal On The Hood Of A Car

NY | A Wall Outside The Door Of My Home

July 20th, 2009

Me & Myself | FL

July 19th, 2009

$15,000 Gun Club

I had heard of this club before but never sought out a chance to shoot clays there until a few months ago. When I inquired, I was told there was a $15,000 initiation fee with an annual $7,350 dues plus all daily expenses.

I immediately decided I would not join.

Then I got an email for a Fun Shoot open to the public this one day for $60.

I immediately decided I would go.

This was the 31st club I have visited for sporting clays.

July 19th, 2009

Jeffrey Peek & The WSJ

The above image is registered with the United States Copyright Office.